भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (भारतीय खनि विद्यापीठ), धनबाद
MA in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT (ISM), Dhanbad
MA HSS Admission 2024-2025

Selection Procedure for MA HSS Programmes 2024-25

The selection depends on the number of vacancies and performance of the candidate. Selection process will be done in two phases – 1. Written Test and 2. Interview. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview based on their performance in the written test. Minimum 30% Marks ( 25% for SC/ST/PWD) is required in the Written Test for getting considered for shortlisting for the next stage. Reservation percentage will also be followed at the time of shortlisting for the next stage. The maximum number of candidates that can be shortlisted for the next stage can be upto three times (Category Wise) the number of seats available for the admission subject to the fulfilment of minimum percentage criterion. List of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the institute website as well on the notice board of the HSS department. No separate communication will be sent to the candidates individually. Candidates will have to report for the interview on the designated date and time.

The final merit list for selection will be made based on the cumulative score of the candidates’ performance in the written test (50% weightage) and Interview (50% weightage).

Written Test

Written test will be of ONE HOUR duration and consist of 50 multiple choice-questions (MCQs) at IIT-ISM Campus on the designated date and time.Question paper will be of 100 marks with the following approximate pattern:

Section Topic Weightage No. of questions
A English and Reading Comprehension 40 % 20
B Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 50 % 25
C Computer & Information Technology 10 % 5

The syllabus for the written entrance test is as follows:

  • English
    English Grammar, English Usage Errors, Jumbled Para, Sentence Correction, Sentence Improvement, Reading Comprehension, Paragraph Completion, One-word Substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms, Idioms & Phrases
  • Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude
    Sequencing, Statements Arguments, Cause and Effects, Statements Assumptions, Statements and Conclusion, Number Series, Blood Relationship Tests, Coding and Decoding, Inferences, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Analogy Test, Symbol Based Problems, Direction and Distance Test, Analytical Reasoning
    Partnership, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Percentages, Pipes and Cisterns, Time-Speed-Distance, Work and Wages, Time and Work, Sets and Venn Diagrams, Graphs and number systems, Statistics and Averages.
  • Computer Skills
    Word Processing - Introduction, objectives, tabs and indentation, making columns, page-set up, print preview, printing, word art.
    Spreadsheet - Introduction, objectives, types of charts, inserting chart, formula and functions.
    PowerPoint - Introduction, objectives, making presentations using template, inserting audio clip, inserting video clip, slide transition, customize animation.
    Computer network - Meaning of computer network and its objectives. Functioning of computer network, types of network, tools of network, network connections
    Internet - Introduction, objectives, classification of websites, uses of internet, email, video conference, social networking, e-governance, e-commerce, chatting, instant messaging.
    Multimedia - Introduction, objectives, multimedia elements, areas of multimedia-education, entertainment, market, fashion etc. tools of multimedia - (i) CD-ROM (ii) Speaker, mike (iii) Hard disk


Interview will be conducted by a selection committee and will consist of 100 marks. Interview will assess the communications skill, general social science knowledge as well as clarity of thought of the candidate.

NOTE: Tentatively, the result of the written test will be announced on the same day and the interview will commence from the next day onwards. The candidates are advised to make their travel plan accordingly.

Medical fitness

  1. Candidates must be in good health. A candidate is required to submit a medical certificate (as per Annexure III) at the time of reporting at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad signed by the chief medical officer (CMO) or equivalent of a government hospital.
  2. A candidate will be allowed to take admission only if the certificate produced by the candidate is verified to be satisfactory by IIT(ISM) officials, whose decision in this regard will be final.